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Spring is here! // Time to Refresh and Renew
If you haven't already, NOW is the time to make sure your office environment is organized.
Here are the top 5 tips from Huffington Post and Salary.com for Spring Cleaning your workspace:
Schedule time – if you can’t get to it all in one day, schedule time in your Outlook Calendar to get a little bit done each day.
Do a Drive-by - take a walk past your workspace… does your cubicle/office look like a huge mess to passersby? Start with the most visible areas first!
Start sorting - use bankers boxes and filing cabinets to hold all of your stuff and get it off of your desk if you don’t use it on a day to day basis.
Classify items by how often you use them. – Visualize concentric circles radiating from your desk chair… items used daily should be in the circle closest to you, then items used weekly, etc.
Only keep what you need - divide your desk into a few sections and tackle one section at a time. If you don’t need something, toss it… or if that makes you nervous, scan it into your computer before tossing it so you have an electronic copy saved.
Now do a deep clean - since all your clutter is gone you can give your space a deep clean by wiping down all surfaces, cleaning windows, etc.
April 2015
March 2015
Atlanta Convention // Alan Weiss’s Consulting Convention
I’m back in my office and looking at pages and pages of notes and handouts from my three days in Atlanta and I see that I underestimated. I profoundly underestimated.
As expected, Weiss was terrific and Seligman was entertaining and informative. My expectations were blown away in the breakout sessions where Weiss’s speakers successfully reframed critical elements of my business. I'm chalking the conference up to "you don't know what you don't know."
I’m learning not to underestimate the honorable Alan Weiss.
Feb 2015
Punxsutawney Phil // Optimism versus Pessimism
In western countries in the Northern Hemisphere, the official first day of spring is between 46–48 days after February 2nd Groundhog Day, on March 20 or March 21. So does it really matter if the groundhog sees its shadow? Spring will be here in about 6 weeks no matter. In your life, do you embrace the day and seek the sunshine or do you retreat back into the safety of your burrow? Leaders have grit and determination and embrace challenges.
Seize the day! Go for it! You only live once!
Jan 2015
Welcome 2015! // Goals versus Resolutions
It is January – a new year and a new beginning. This time of year, everyone is making New Years Resolutions. They want to eat healthier, lose weight, save more, spend less, and generally live a better life. The sad fact is that often these resolutions are short lived fads. Setting and achieving goals is an important skill to learn.
Make a goal instead of a resolution!
What’s the difference?
A resolution is “a decision or determination to do something.”
A goal is “the result toward which effort is directed.”
Don’t make an unrealistic resolution that you know you won’t be able to keep; make a goal that you can work for.
Regardless of what your goals are for the new year, here are a few things to keep in mind:
Set goals that make sense for your family.
Be specific in your goals.
Start off with short term goals. Just because it is a New Years goal, doesn’t mean it has to last the entire year. Try to start off with a weekly or monthly goal. Then see how things are going and adjust your goal if needed.
You are going to have set backs. Just as the new year is a new beginning, each and every day brings new beginnings as well. If today didn’t go as well as you had planned, make every effort tomorrow to be better.