"Trusted Advisor - Business Expert - Sales Promoter - Marketing Guru" - Rick Hern
Whatever challenges you face, Results NOW! Consulting has a custom tailored program to assist you to "Breakthrough!" to the next level. If you need to revolutionize your business, increase leadership skills, get the team running in the same direction, build abundance, wealth and significance in your life contact us for current availability of our programs.

Consulting -
"4 R's - Business to Breakthrough"
Whether it is lack of time and/or energy, staff commitment and/or know-how, focus and/or direction, fresh ideas and/or perspective, some projects may seem OVERWHELMING!
A few examples of projects that Results NOW! Consulting can assist you to accomplish:
Process Improvement - Establish your Vital Factors and create Abundance and Life Balance
Marketing Research and Plan – Better understand your market position and how to increase your revenues
Feasibility Study – Know if a new product, service or initiative will be profitable
Strategic Plan – Get from where you are now to where you want to be
Human Resources Strategy – Find the right staffing levels, job descriptions and employee traits for your business
Create a strategy to find, hire and train the best!
Succession Planning – Understand and implement the 4 Stages of succession planning to best train up your key employee, set the stage for your family to take the helm, or just find a buyer. Don’t just walk away from it, profit from it, too.
Many more . . .
This is not for the timid or faint of heart. Revolutionizing your business and personal life takes commitment and clarity.
We will focus on the “4 R’s” of the innovative Results NOW! Consulting Program that will build your “Business to Breakthrough!”
Icebreaking ideas form in our initial visits (I call it "Relate"),
Current systems and traditions are evaluated and challenged ("Reflect"),
Innovative processes and routines are formulated and monitored until they become second nature ("Retain"),
Enjoy peace of mind, reduced stress, and best of all… additional profit! (“Reward!”)
Contact us to discuss when either you personally, or your business is ready and willing to "Breakthrough!"

Training - "Breakthrough Training Programs"
We are committed to providing a “client-driven” program which begins with understanding your business and training goals. Following a custom tailored meeting with you to become familiar with your organization and your desired training outcomes, we integrate this knowledge into the exercises, activities and delivery of the content to give you a targeted training program which achieves your training goals.
We are skilled in delivering traditional, interactive and experiential learning. By guiding, supporting and integrating exercises and activities into the program, learning takes place in a highly participatory manner. In turn, this interactive/participatory delivery style helps people learn faster, alter their perspective and readily transfer and sustain the skills, techniques and strategies learned in the program to their daily job responsibilities.
Examples of Workshops available:
Goal Setting
Prospecting for Results
Improve Brand Identity
Basics Basics Basics!
Presentation Skills
Always Be Closing!
Overcoming Objections
Follow Up to Success
Time Organization
Hiring and Recruiting
Retaining Super Stars
Human Resouce
Planning & Analysis
Goal Setting
This is just a sample of the customizable training courses we can provide. Contact us to discuss your training needs.

For individual performance improvement we offer customized coaching.
Whether it’s achieving your objectives, dealing with stress or improving your communication skills, personalized coaching can help. Increase your effectiveness and success both organizationally and personally.
Want to dramatically increase your personal success?
One-on-one performance coaching is really the fastest way to progress quickly with your personal and professional goals.
In these programs we will work together to help you solve specific issues or challenges you’re currently experiencing in order to gain Results NOW!.
Executives and business owners need a place to go to ask for help, get second opinions, vent frustrations, be talked off the ledge, seek advice, and celebrate successes. It can be a lonely job at the top and that is why savvy executives and business owners use coaching to help them grow and thrive.
Contact us to discuss how we can help you and your team develop Leaders, Abundance and Life Balance.

Coaching -
"One-on-One to Breakthrough"